16mm Club First Edition

The 16mm film club was founded from the need of the four organizers to project and view together bits and pieces of the rich history of this format so beloved in avant-garde / experimental film culture. The great digitization has dusted off many films in recent years,...

Have you checked Steur? As part of Rotterdam Art Week it is open to visit and Thursday from 18h I’ll be playing tunes.  Reserve a free ticket, Thursday slot 5. Hope to see you! We are STEUR, a monumental beacon and driving creative force in Rotterdam’s energetic...

Grof Folklore Tanzania Beyond Singeli set on Mixcloud

Young producers in Tanzania have warped Taarab (a popular music genre in Tanzania and Kenya) and other traditional sounds into Singeli – the breakneck sound from the bustling neighbourhoods of Dar Es Salaam. Using free DJ software, and hyping things up to 300...