Duckfood prezintă muzică populară şi lăutărească (RIAFC 051) – Radio is a Foreign Country

Duckfood presents Romanian folk music back from the golden days. Romania has a rich and diverse culture in music roughly described as muzică populară, folclorică, and lăutărească. Get ready for songs with life advice and plenty of love tales from the deep forests of Transylvania up to the Moldavian mountains. There are crying violins plus accordeon and cymbalon solo’s at mind-boggling speed. Some of the artists you will hear are Maria Tanase, Gabi Lunca, Nelu Batalu, Nelu Ploiesteanu , Gica Petrescu, Niculina Stoican and Sofia Vicoveanca.

RADIO IS A FOREIGN COUNTRY is a listener-supported, not-for-profit radio platform and mixtape series featuring cut-ups of international radio broadcasts (AM, FM & shortwave), sound travelogues, and obscure regional folk and pop music from the global hinterlands.


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